Art By JSW
Visual Artist
Delaware-based Art By JSW owner (also known as J the Artist), always has the art world wondering what they are going to do next. Their works - in all forms - are highly accessible and are gaining increasing attention on the international stage. J the Artist work focuses on pop culture, social issues, and empowering black women.
Media Attention
Articles and Interviews
Murals Painted Over Boarded Up Windows
New Castle artist Jannah Williams , 24, works on a mixed media piece at Nomad Bar in downtown Wilmington. A new art project is raising money for artists to paint over the boarded up windows left in the aftermath of the spring city riot, which damaged several business following the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota.

Dozens of students paint new mural honoring MLK in Wilmington
Artist Jannah Williams sketched out the main work on the mural to honor both the mission of The Warehouse and the legacy of Dr. King. “I love that he was all about making change, but doing it peacefully and he just wanted people to come together,” Williams said. “That’s what we did today, everybody came together and it was very peaceful, very calm, soothing, and everybody got it done

Williams’ mural became part of the “rapid response collection” gathered by the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs(DEHCA) that seeks to preserve objects representing important moments in recent history

Upon finishing her education at Delaware State University, Jannah began working as a professional artist in Delaware. Since 2018, Art By JSW has worked on a variety of creative projects. Their works have been showcased in solo and group exhibitions around the world.
Their artistic expression has gone through many phases over the years resulting in a highly personal approach and perspective. They are never content with standing still and are always looking for their next engaging project.

Please get in touch for more information about Art By JSW, to discuss possible collaborations, or for any media inquiries.
Delaware, USA